
New Bedford: The Game of Historic Whaling & Town Building

Created by Dice Hate Me Games

Manage fleet and town in this Euro-style board game for 1-5 players in the era of Moby Dick and historic New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production copy photos!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 11:16:49 PM

Hey, everyone!

It's the first Tuesday of July, and you know what that means. Time to show some amazing stuff.

So we're going to be getting an actual container of New Bedford here in the warehouse pretty soon, but I figured I would show you the advance production copy we got recently.

New Bedford and Rising Tide
New Bedford and Rising Tide


Just a sample of the pieces
Just a sample of the pieces

 Everything looks so good. Honestly, we're about as happy as possible with the quality of New Bedford, and we're certain you will be, too.

I was hoping to have the unboxing video we filmed last week, but it's not ready quite yet. Once our video guy finishes with it in the next week or so, we'll be showing that to you as well.

Very soon, backers, and that'll be on your tables!

BackerKit addresses locking down!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 11:37:39 PM

Hey, everyone!

Exciting news! We're going to be locking down addresses on the BackerKit in the next couple of days. Thursday, to be precise. You know why?

Because New Bedford is almost here! Things were looking very tight for shipping the game out to you fine backers before Gen Con, and it's important to us that we do that. We want you to have it early, and we want to be able to make it available to new folks at the biggest tabletop gaming convention in North America. In order to make this happen, we're air freighting it in to our warehouse, and it will be arriving soon!

As soon as those addresses get locked down on Thursday, we'll start printing out shipping labels and preparing our warehouse for this massive operation.

Just to be clear, address changes will not be possible after the BackerKit locks down on Thursday. If this is a potential issue for you, make sure you have an address of a friend, family member, or business where you will have access to your game once it arrives. Reiterating: address changes will not be possible after the BackerKit locks down on Thursday.

As a little parting gift here, we have the nice art prints drawn by the ever-fantastic Nolan Nasser here in the office. I thought you might like to see them.


Proofs and Gen Con!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 12:49:09 AM

Hey, everyone!

Printing is well underway for New Bedford, and the games should be on a boat headed to our warehouse before you know it.

 We got proofs in the office right after last month’s update, and I realized that you didn’t get to see them! So here’s just a small sample…

My next update to you should be to ask you to make sure your addresses are final before shipping. That’s exciting! If you’re going to be at Gen Con this year, you can come check it out! We’re running several events in our room, and New Bedford is among them! Even if you don’t get a chance to play, the room is open for all to visit and observe. We hope to see you there!

BackerKit updates
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 24, 2016 at 09:41:45 PM

Hey, everyone!

I just wanted to hop in here and let you know that the BackerKit is going to be charging cards this coming Friday, May 27. If you've added anything onto your pledge over what you originally pledged through Kickstarter, that's when the charge will be showing up on your card.

We're not locking down addresses just yet, so you can definitely still go there if you need to change where your package will be headed. Fun tip: if we lock down addresses, look for an update soon letting you know that the games are on a boat, assuming we've not already put one out.

Speaking of games being on a boat, we're still on target! We certainly hope you'll come find us at Gen Con and let us know how all of your games have been going!

almost 9 years ago – Mon, May 09, 2016 at 08:41:50 PM

Hey there, town builders!

This is a really fun update to share with you. We have rulebooks to show you!

First off, we have the rulebook for New Bedford! If you happen to notice any typos, feel free to let us know. The files are with the printer currently, but we have a short window to send corrections, as needed. Be forewarned: this download is pretty large, especially if you're using cellular data.

We also have something you've not seen yet! The rulebook for New Bedford: Rising Tide lies beyond that link. In case you've forgotten, that's the expansion for New Bedford that you all managed to create and will be getting with your copy!

We hope you enjoy the reading!