
New Bedford: The Game of Historic Whaling & Town Building

Created by Dice Hate Me Games

Manage fleet and town in this Euro-style board game for 1-5 players in the era of Moby Dick and historic New Bedford, Massachusetts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PAX East roundup!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2016 at 09:20:42 PM

Hey, everyone!

We got back from PAX East around a week ago, and I've been so excited to talk about how well it went!

We had a table for demos of New Bedford running constantly, and it was never empty. A huge thank you to our volunteers running demos there, as well as all the people who played! Being that PAX East is in Boston, I never got tired of hearing, "Whoa, you made a game about New Bedford? I'm from there!" Just to satisfy my own curiosity, can I ask people to chime in on the comments, if you've ever lived in New Bedford, MA?

Another big hit at PAX East was Bottom of the 9th, our head-to-head baseball game! Boston is a big baseball town, and it showed. Mike Mullins, one of the designers, was there running demos and promoting the new Clubhouse expansion on Kickstarter now. He wore himself hoarse, but it was a great time! Go check it out!

White samples and PAX East!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 12:26:43 AM

So exciting! White samples for New Bedford and Nantucket arrived today, and we've been poring over them. They look so good! There are a couple of small changes that we need to make, but that's why we get samples. They'll all be ironed out before the final version is sent to us.

Box, bag, and rulebook
Box, bag, and rulebook

 This is a sample of the box, rulebook, and bag from the game. Now, obviously, the bag is going to be bigger, but that's what it will look like! The box is a really nice linen finish, in keeping with the painting style of the cover art.


 These are some samples of the wooden components. Look at that... whaleeeple. Yeah, I just said that, and I don't know how I feel about it.

We'll also be at PAX East in Boston this weekend! Come find us at our booth, and you can even get in on a demo game of New Bedford!

Cheers, everyone!

New Bedford is off to the printer!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 08:09:53 PM

You read that title right. New Bedford has been sent to the printer, and they'll be starting on churning out all those fancy new copies! Don't forget to answer your BackerKit surveys!

Obviously, this is super exciting for everyone involved. To celebrate, we wanted to give you a few samples of the final art.

First of all, the back of the box! This is going to be the first place people look after the cover grabs their eye, so this is really important.

 Next, we have a sample of the punchboard. This has several of the tiles, and you can see the updated icons there!

 Finally, here are the special tiles that are part of The White Whale promo pack, along with their details.

Packaging Cover, Front and Back
Packaging Cover, Front and Back
The White Whale itself
The White Whale itself
Precious Ambergris
Precious Ambergris
The Blue Whale
The Blue Whale
The Castaway
The Castaway
The tiles for the bag!
The tiles for the bag!


Ship's Log #19
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 07:12:13 PM

Greetings, historical gamers!

We have two really huge announcements today.


First of all, BackerKit surveys are going out very soon! BackerKit is a pledge management system that will allow you to give us your shipping information and keep your pledge entirely up to date. It's very robust and will allow us to handle your pledges very easily, especially in regards to add-ons and the things like that.

There are a couple of things to note about this, as well, so that there is no confusion. First and foremost, every backer at $29 or more will be receiving the base game of New Bedford, the White Whale promo, and the Rising Tide expansion. This expansion is a collection of all the stretch goals you unlocked during this campaign, packaged nicely so that we can put it in stores later, but you're getting it for free! Secondly, there will be a preorder window opening up at some point in the near future, but the MSRP will be increasing for that. You, as a backer, won't need to pay anything extra, though! You got a deal! Finally, if you missed the Nantucket add-on during the Kickstarter, you can still get it through BackerKit at the same $6 that it was during the campaign.

You will be getting a link to the survey in your email shortly. Now, there are a lot of you, so they won't all be going out at once (we don't want to crash their servers with a huge rush of traffic!). Instead, they'll be going out in waves over the next couple of days. If you don't have your survey by the end of this month, send us an direct message via Kickstarter here, and we'll get you taken care of!

We won't be sending out surveys through Kickstarter. So please be sure to fill out your BackerKit as soon as you get it!

Token Photos

We got some photos from the factory today, as well! These are the wooden bits that will be coming with New Bedford. In the photo you can see the workers, ships, bricks, lumber, food, whale, and wheel. Obviously, they're not completely polished, and still have some finalizing to be done, but it's pretty close! One of the biggest changes will be to the food tokens. We wanted to do small holes like you would find in hardtack, but the factory didn't feel like they could both do that and retain the structural intregity of the piece. Instead, they will be painted with "holes" to give the same feel.


And keep an eye out for your surveys!

Ship's Log #18
almost 9 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 08:01:22 PM

Greetings, historical gamers!

First of all, I want to thank you so much for being so understanding about our last update. Delays are never fun, for you or for us, and we really want to make up for it by giving you the best possible product we can.

Also, I have a crazy huge update to give you this month. Hopefully this will help! Make sure you read it closely, because I am certain you will see something you like.

First of all, we have Captain boards for the solo play mode of New Bedford! These names look really familiar...

 Or perhaps you're interested in the expansion you're all getting with your game? Now, the cover art for the Rising Tides expansion is still a sketch, but we like how it's shaping up! And you read that right, it has a name!

 Also, for those of you that added on Nantucket, I'm sure you've been drooling to see more. Well, wait no longer! We have some images and rules for you. Rules! And if you see a typo or something that needs clarification, there's still time to fix it. Feel free to send us a note about it at [email protected]!

Front and back covers, and component sample
Front and back covers, and component sample
Rulebook preview (Click me!)
Rulebook preview (Click me!)

That's it this month. Hopefully that will keep you busy until next time!