Don't Forget Your Add-On!
over 9 years ago
– Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:31:52 AM
With just a little under 8 hours to go, we wanted to check in quickly and remind new backers that may not have been around for the last two updates about Nantucket, our special add-on game.
If you'd like a copy of Nantucket, simply add $6 to your pledge. You'll receive a copy of Nantucket for each $6 you add, so, for example, if you'd like three, add $18. There is no additional shipping charge for adding Nantucket - or additional copies of New Bedford, for that matter.
For more info. on Nantucket, check out the front page of the campaign. There's even rules and a print-and-play!
On a side note, thanks so much for propelling the campaign past $100k - that's fantastic! Let's so how far we can go in these last few hours!
All the best,
Chris & Nat
Ship's Log #12
over 9 years ago
– Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 02:37:38 PM
Greetings historical gamers!
What an unbelievable journey... and an incredible story. You all helped New Bedford truly be the comeback kid, rising from a cancelled Kickstarter campaign last November to over $100K and 2,316 backers. We are truly honored and humbled at its reception.
On behalf of the entire Greater Than Games/Dice Hate Me Games team, we can't thank you enough for all the enthusiasm and support over the last month. All of you have not only pledged for a great game, but you've also given voice to the true spirit of Kickstarter. We have always believed in New Bedford, and you've shown you believe in us. We can't wait to get this great game out to all of you to enjoy.
We'll keep you updated as we continue the journey toward full production. Until then, thanks again, and happy gaming!
All the best,
Chris & Nat
Ship's Log #11
over 9 years ago
– Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 08:57:32 PM
Greetings historical gamers!
Woohoo, you did it! Thanks to everyone’s support, we passed $80K and we can now add the custom Whale-eeple Round Tracker and Ship’s Wheel Turn Order Tracker to every copy of New Bedford!
This has been an unbelievable campaign, and we are so incredibly happy that you all have helped to make New Bedford the absolute best it can be. We’ve been able to upgrade so much stuff! We might need a bigger boat to get all this shipped out to you.
We mentioned a little while back that the whale-eeple and ship’s wheel would be the last stretch goal upgrade for the game, and we meant it. Anyone who has been a part of one of our previous campaigns knows that we realize when enough is enough. We have added so much to New Bedford that now it’s time to fully focus on production so that we can not only make everything great, but also so that we can get New Bedford (and Nantucket!) out to you as soon as possible. We can’t thank you enough for this incredible journey - and it’s not over yet! We still have 2.5 days to see how far we can sail!
We’ll be back very soon with updates to show off more art and production bits as we progress. For now, how about an early look at some resource token 3d sketches?
All the best,
Chris & Nat
Ship's Log #10
over 9 years ago
– Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 08:55:00 PM
Greetings historical gamers,
We’ve got a few cool things to mention and show today!
Off to Nantucket
First off, as a reminder to new backers and any who may have missed it, by adding an extra $6 to your pledge you’ll receive a copy of Nantucket, the small-box, two-player game from Nat that takes players to “The Little Grey Lady of the Sea”. Below you’ll see an image of the components in Nantucket with upgraded art, and a closer look at the box!
If you’d like to check out the rules for Nantucket or even try the game out for yourself, feel free to download the print-and-play files right here.
Don’t forget that you can also add additional copies of Nantucket to your pledge ($6 per extra copy) and your shipping will not increase!
New Board Art
Next up, we have an art update for the main town board in New Bedford.
This is a colored version of the current working sketch. Nolan and Jenn are working together to finalize the design, but we wanted to show you all how it’s shaping up so far!
A Few Cool Videos
Finally, we wanted to share a few videos that you may want to check out.
Unpub (The Unpublished Games Network) has posted a video profile of Nat as part of their ongoing Designer Spotlights. It’s really well done, and provides some perspective into Nat’s process and a bit more about New Bedford’s development.
Mark over at Stay Geeky has posted a three-part video feature on New Bedford using the print-and-play files that you may want to check out. Links to each part:
That’s it for today! We’re sailing ever-closer to that $80K stretch goal where everyone gets a custom whaleeple and ship’s wheel, so keep spreading the word and we’ll be there in no time. Thanks, as always, for the enthusiasm and support!
All the best,
Chris & Nat